- Khalid Al-Hawaj, Tuan Ta, Nick Cebry, Shady Agwa, Olalekan Afuye, Eric Hall, Courtney Golden, Alyssa Apsel, Christopher Batten, “EVE: Ephemeral Vector Engines” IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA), 2023.*
- Carl Morgenstern, Yu Rong, Andrew Herschfelt, Alyosha Molnar, Alyssa Apsel, David Landon, Daniel Bliss, “Tuning Algorithm to Compensate for Hardware Errors of IBFD Analog Device” Proceedings of Assilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Asilomar, CA, 2022.
- Olalekan Afuye, Shimin Huang, Alyosha Molnar, and Alyssa Apsel “LO Synchronization Scheme via Full-Duplex Transceiver for Distributed Beamforming in Wireless Ad hoc Networks”, ISCAS 2022, Austin TX.*
- Carl W. Morgenstern, Andrew Herschfelt, Yu Rong, Alyosha C. Molnar, Alyssa B. Apsel, David G. Landon, and Daniel W. Bliss, ” In-Band, Full-Duplex Self-Interference Mitigation Digitally-Controlled, Analog Mitigation using Sparse, Non-Negative Delay Taps, Total and Individual Power Constraints, and Limited Bit Precision,” GOMACTech 2022.*
- Carl Morgenstern, Alex R. Chiriyath, Arindam Dutta, Andrew Herschfelt, Yu Rong, Alyosha C. Molnar, Alyssa B. Apsel, David G. Landon, and Daniel W. Bliss, “Analog Self-Interference Mitigation for IBFD, Joint Radar-Communications in Vehicular Applications” 2022 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), 2022.*
- Olalekan Afuye, Shady Agwa, Christopher Batten and Alyssa Apsel, “Layout-Based Evaluation of Read/Write Performance of SOT-MRAM and SOTFET-RAM”, IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2021.*
- Ivan Bukreyev, Ken Ho and Alyssa Apsel, “Scalable Digital Synchronizer for Enabling Hardware-Level BLE Mesh Networks Under 1mW”, IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2021.*
- Thomas Tapen and Alyssa Apsel, “A Low Power, 3.5-20GHz Tunable LNA with Out-Of-Band Blocker Filtering Based on Compact, Tunable Transmission Line (CTTL) Resonators in 65nm CMOS”, IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC, Grenoble, France, Sept. 2021.*
- Thomas Tapen, Andreia Cathelin, Alyssa Apsel, “A 3.1-51GHz, Sub-8mW, Single-Core LC VCO Based on a Novel Compact Tunable Transmission Line (CTTL) Resonator in 28nm FDSOI CMOS”, 2021 IEEE RFIC Symposium, June 2021.*
- X. Li, P. Dang, J. Casamento, Z. Zhang, O. Afuye, A. Mei, A. Apsel, D. Schlom, D. Jena, D. Ralph, and H. Xing, “Spin-Orbit-Torque Field-Effect Transistor (SOTFET): A New Magnetoelectric Memory”, APS March meeting, vol. 65 no. 1, March 2020*
- Emre Gönültaş, Milad Taghavi, Sweta Soni, Alyssa Apsel and Christoph Studer, “Identifying Unused RF Channels using Least Matching Pursuit”, IEEE 21st International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2020.*
- Khalid Al-Hawaj, Olalekan Afuye, Shady Agwa, Alyssa Apsel, Christopher Batten; “Towards a Reconfigurable Bit-Serial/Bit-Parallel Vector Accelerator Using In-Situ Processing-In-SRAM”; 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2020 *
- Enkhbayasgalan Gantsog, Ivan Bukreyev, Frank Lane, and Alyssa Apsel, “A 12.46 uW Baseband Timing Circuitry for Synchronization and Duty-Cycling of Scalable Wireless Mesh Networks in IoT”, 2018 IEEE RFIC Symposium, June 2018.*
- Hazal Yuksel, Thomas Tapen, Zachariah Boynton,Emory Enroth, Alyssa Apsel, Alyosha Molnar, “An FDD/FD Capable, Single Antenna RF Front End from 800MHz to 1.2GHz w/ Baseband Harmonic Predistortion”, IEEE RFIC Symposium, June 2018.*
- H. Yuksel, D. Yang, Z. Boynton, E. Enroth, T. Tapen, A. Molnar, and A.Apsel, “Broadly Tunable Frequency Division Duplex Transceiver: Theory and Operation” IEEE ICECS, Monte Carlo, December 2016.*
- Enkhbayasgalan Gantsog, Deyu Liu, Alyssa B. Apsel, “0.89 mW On-Chip Jitter-Measurement Circuit for High Speed Clock with Sub-Picosecond Resolution” IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC, Lucerne, Switzerland, Sept. 2016*
- Alyssa Apsel, Alyosha Molnar, Dong Yang, Hazal Yuksel, Thomas Tappen, Emory Enroth, Mashrur Mohiuddin, Zachariah Boynton, “Challenges and Approaches to Software Defined Duplexing Radio”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) Montreal, Canada, 2016 (invited).
- D. Yang, H. Yuksel, C. Newman, C. Lee, Z. Boynton, N. Paya, M. Pedrone, A. Apsel, and A. Molnar, “A Fully Integrated Software-Defined FDD Transceiver Tunable from 0.3-to-1.6 GHz” IEEE RFIC Symposium, June 2016.* nominated for best paper award
- E. Gantsog, A. Apsel, and F. Lane, “A Quantized Pulse Coupled Oscillator for Slow Clocking of Peer-to-Peer Networks”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Lisbon, Portugal,, 2015.
- X. Wang, R. Dokania, A. Apsel, “Crystal-Less Duty-Cycled-When-Active IR-UWB Transceivers”, IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), Marseille, France, Dec. 2014. (Invited)
- W. Godycki, C. Torng, I. Bukreyev, A. Apsel, C. Batten, “Enabling Realistic Fine-Grain Voltage Scaling with Reconfigurable Power Distribution Networks”, 47th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO), Cambridge, UK, Dec. 2014.
- W. Godycki, B. Sun, A. Apsel, “Part-Time Resonant Switching for Light Load Efficiency Improvement of a 3-Level Fully Integrated Buck Converter”, IEEE ESSDERC/ESSCIRC, Venice, Italy, Sept. 2014
- Bo Xiang, Xiao Wang, Alyssa Apsel, “On-Chip Demonstration of Real Time Spectrum Analysis (RTSA) Using Integrated Dispersive Delay Line (IDDL)”, IEEE IMS (International Microwave Symposium), Seattle, WA, June 2013.*
- Bo Xiang, Anthony Kopa, Zhongtao Fu, Alyssa B. Apsel, “An integrated Ku-Band Nanosecond Time-Stretching System Using Improved Dispersive Delay Line (DDL)”, IEEE SiRF, Radio Wireless Week 2012, Santa Clara, CA, January 2012.* (2nd place student paper contest)
- R. Dokania, W. Godycki, X. Wang, C. Dorta-Quinones, A. Apsel,”A Novel Dynamically Duty-Cyclable, Low Power UWB Impulse Radio Based Event Communication”, IEEE Global Communications Conference 2011 (GLOBECOM 2011), Houston, Texas, December 5-9, 2011.*
- X. Y. Wang, R. K. Dokania, Y. Zhuang, C. I. Dorta-Quinones, W. Godycki, M. Lyons, A. B. Apsel, “A Self-Synchronized, Crystal-Less, 86uW, Dual-Band Impulse Radio for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks”,IEEE RFIC Symposium, 5-10 June 2011, Baltimore, MD.*
- C. Dorta-Quinones, R. Dokania, A. Apsel, “Extending the Dynamic Range of Implantable Real-Time Neurochemical Monitoring Systems”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 15-18 May 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. *
- R. Dokania, X. Wang, W. Godycki, C. Dorta-Quinones, A. Apsel, “PCO based Event Propagation Scheme for Globally Synchronized Sensor Networks”, IEEE Global Communications Conference 2010 (GLOBECOM 2010), Miami, Florida, December 6-10, 2010.*
- W. Godycki, R. Dokania, X. Wang, A. Apsel,”A High-Speed On-chip Implementation of Teager Kaiser Operator for In-Band Interference Rejection”Asian Solid State Circuit Conference 2010, November 8-10, 2010, Beijing, China.*
- A. Apsel, R. Dokania, and X. Wang, “Low Power Radio Links”, Appearing in 2011 McGraw-Hill Yearbook of Science and Technology.
- R. Dokania, X. Wang, C. Dorta-Quinones, W. Godycki, S. Tallur and A. Apsel, “A 6W, 100Kbps, 3-5GHz, UWB Impulse Radio Transmitter”, International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED), Austin, TX, August 2010.*
- X. Zhang, R. Dokania, M. Mukadam, and A. Apsel, “A Successive Approximation Based Process-Invariant Ring Oscillator”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Paris, France, May, 2010.
- M. Mukadam, O. Filho, X. Zhang, and A. Apsel,”Process Variation Compensation of a 4.6 GHz LNA in 65nm CMOS”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Paris, France, May 2010
- R. Dokania, X. Wang, S. Tallur, and A. Apsel, “A 19uW, 100Kbps Impulse Radio Transceiver for Body-Area-Networks”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Paris, France, June 2010.
- X. Zhang and A. Apsel, “A Low Variation GHz Ring Oscillator with Addition-based Current Source”, European Solid-State Circuits Conference , Athens, Greece, (ESSCIRC), September 14th, 2009.
- A. Kopa and A. Apsel, “Alternative m-derived Termination for Distributed Amplifiers”, Proceedings of the MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS), Boston, MA, June 2009
- A. Apsel, R. Dokania and X. Wang,”Ultra-Low Power Radios for Ad-Hoc Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 24-27 May 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. *
- X. Wang, R. Dokania and A. Apsel,”Implementation of a Global Clocking Scheme for ULP Radio Networks”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 24-27 May 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. *
- X. Zhang and A. Apsel, “A Process Compensated 3-GHz Ring Oscillator”, IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 24-27 May 2009, Taipei, Taiwan. *
- R.K. Dokania and A.B. Apsel,”Analysis of Challenges for On-Chip Optical Interconnects”, ACM Proceedings of Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, May 10-12 , 2009, Boston. *
- M.Y. Mukadam and A.B. Apsel, “A 76 dB?, 2mW, 10Gbps optical receiver analog front-end in 80nm CMOS”, Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications (EAMTA), September 2008.
- Z. Fu, X. Wang, E. Minh and A. Apsel,”A fast acquisition Phase Frequency Detector for phase-locked loops”, Argentine School of Micro-Nanoelectronics, Technology and Applications (EAMTA), September 2008.
- S. Manipatruni, R.K. Dokania, B. Schmidt, J. Shakya, A.B. Apsel and M. Lipson “Wide Temperature Range Operation of Resonant Silicon Electro-Optic Modulators”, Integrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications(IPNRA), 14th July, 2008, Boston.
- A. Kopa and A. Apsel, “124dB.Hz? Dynamic range transimpedance amplifier for electronic-photonic channelizer”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA. USA., May 2008 *
- P. Chen, A. Pappu, Z. Fu, W. Wattanapanitch, A. Apsel, “A 10 Gb/s optical receiver in 0.25 um silicon-on-sapphire CMOS”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA. USA., May 2008 *
- X. Zhang, A. Pappu, A. Apsel, “Low variation current source for 90nm CMOS”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA. USA., May 2008 *
- Z. Fu, J. Lee, A. Apsel, “A 6.8GHz low-power and low-phase-noise phase-locked loop design”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Seattle, WA. USA., May 2008 *
- D.M. Gill, M.S. Rasras, K.Y. Tu, Y.K. Chen, A.E. White, S.S. Patel, A. Kopa, A.B. Apsel, D.N. Carothers, A.T. Pomerene, R. Komoscai, J. Beattie, M.A. Beals, J. Michel, J. Liu, and L.C. Kimerling, “Optical Modulation Techniques for Analog Signal Processing,” in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West, vol. 6898, San Jose, CA, January 2008.
- M.A. Beals, J. Michel, J. Liu, D.H. Ahn, D.K. Sparacin, R. Sun, C.Y. Hong, L.C. Kimerling, A. Pomerene, D. Carothers, J. Beattie, A. Kopa, A.B. Apsel, M. Rasras, D.M. Gill, S.S. Patel, K.Y. Tu, Y.K. Chen, and A.E. White, “Process Flow Innovations for Active Photonic Device Integration in CMOS),” in Proceedings of SPIE Photonics West, vol. 6898, San Jose, CA, January 2008.
- X. Wang and A. Apsel, “Pulse Coupled Oscillator Synchronization for Communications in UWB Wireless Transceivers”, MWSCAS, Montreal, CA. 2007.*
- Z. Fu, A. Pappu, and A. Apsel, “Beating the Power Limit of LC Oscillators”, MWSCAS, Montreal, CA. 2007. *
- C. P. Chen, A. Pappu, A. Apsel, “Monolithic Integrated SiGe Optical Receiver and Detector”, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, 2007.*
- N. Kirman, M. Kirman, R. K. Dokania, J. F. Martinez, A. B. Apsel, M. A. Watkins, and D. H. Albonesi, “Leveraging Optical Technology in Future Bus-based Chip Multiprocessors”, 39th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, Orlando FL, December 2006. *
- A. Kopa and A. Apsel, “Common-emitter Feedback Transimpedance Amplifier for Analog Optical Receiver”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Greece, 2006. *
- A. Pappu and A. Apsel, “Demonstration of Latency Reduction in Electrical Interconnections Using Optical Fanout”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Greece, 2006. *
- A. Pappu, Tao Yin, and A. Apsel, “A Low-Voltage Supply Optoelectronic Detector-Receiver in a Commercial Silicon-Based Process”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Greece, 2006.*
- A. Pappu and A. Apsel, “Synthesis of Current Source with Improved Current Mirroring Capability”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Kos, Greece, 2006.*
- L. C. Kimerling, D. Ahn, A. B. Apsel, M. Beals, D. Carothers, Y. Chen, T. Conway, D. Gill, M. Grove, C.-Y. Hong, M. F. Lipson, J. Liu, J. Michel, S. S. Patel, A. T. Pomerene, M. Rasras, D. K. Sparacin, K. Tu, A. E. White, C. Wong, “Electronic-photonic integrated circuits on the CMOS platform,” Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics West, 2006. (Invited)
- F. Akopyan, R. Manohar, and A. Apsel, “A Level-Crossing Flash Asynchronous Analog-to-Digital Converter,” Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC). March 2006.* (Best Paper Award)
- A. Apsel, A. Pappu, and T. Yin, “Integrated Optoelectronic Receivers for Intra-chip Communication,” Frontiers in Optics (formerly the Annual Meeting of the OSA), Tucson AZ, Oct. 2005. (Invited)
- A. Pappu, A. Apsel, “A Low Power, Low Delay TIA for On-chip Applications”, CLEO, Baltimore, MD, 2005.*
- A. Apsel, A. Pappu, and T. Yin, “Merging Traditional VLSI with Photonics”, Lightwave Technologies in Instrumentation and Measurement, Palaisades, NY, Oct. 2004. (Invited)
- A. Apsel, T. Yin, A. Pappu, “Photonic VLSI for On-Chip Computing Architectures”, Proceedings of SPIE, Photonics East, Oct. 2004. (Invited)
- R. Duggirala, H. Li, A. M. Pappu, Z. Fu, A. Apsel and A. Lal, “Radioisotope Micropower Generator for CMOS Self-powered Sensor Microsystems”, Power MEMS, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2004.*
- A. Pappu and A. Apsel, “Electrical Isolation and Fan-out in Intra-chip Optical Interconnects”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, 2004.*
- A. Apsel and Z. Fu, “A 2.5 Milliwatt SOS CMOS Receiver for Optical Interconnect”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Circuits and Systems, Vancouver, Canada, 2004.*
- T. Yin, A. Apsel, A. Pappu, “Optical Interconnects for Commercial CMOS Computational Architecture”, SPIE Photonics West, 2004.
- J. Liu, A. Apsel, W. Chang, G. Simonis, “Multi-Channel Optical Interconnects for Optical Communications and Processing”, Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Information Technology and Communication, Orlando, FL, 2003. (Invited)
- A. Apsel, J. Liu, W. Chang, G. Simonis, A. Andreou, “Integrated Arrays of Low Power SOS Chip-to-Chip Interconnects for Efficient Parallel Communication in CMOS”, OSA meeting on Optical Computing, Washington DC, 2003. *
- J. Liu, A. Apsel, N. Das, G. Dang, W. Chang, G. Simonis, “High-Speed Multi-Channel Optical Interconnects Applicable to Optical Computing and Processing”, OSA meeting on Optical Computing Washington DC, 2003.*
- J. Liu, B. Riely, W. Chang, G. Simonis, A. Apsel, A. Andreou, “Multi-Channel Ultra-Thin Silicon-On-Sapphire Optical Interconnects”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control, Orlando, FL, 2003. (Invited)
- A. Apsel, A. Andreou, “Analysis of Short Distance Optoelectronic Link Architectures”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.*
- A. Apsel, A. Andreou, “A 10 milliwatt 2 Gbps CMOS Optical Receiver for Optoelectronic Interconnect”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.*
- A. Apsel, A. Andreou, “A 7mW 1Gbps CMOS Optical Receiver for Through Wafer Communication”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.*
- A. Apsel, E. Culurciello, A.G. Andreou, K. Aliberti, “Thin Film PIN Photodiodes for Optoelectronic Silicon on Sapphire CMOS”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Bangkok, Thailand, 2003.*
- A. Apsel, A. Andreou, J. Liu, “A 6 Channel Array of 500 MHz Optical Receivers in .5 m Silicon on Sapphire CMOS”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Scottsdale, AZ, 2002.*
- J. Liu, A. Apsel, Z. Kalayjian, W. Chang, G. Simonis, A. Andreou, “Ultra-Thin Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) Multi-Channel Optical Interconnects”, Proceedings of the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Long Beach, CA, 2002.*
- J. Liu, A. Apsel, Z. Kalayjian, B. Riely, B. Gollsneider, W. Chang, G. Simonis, A. Andreou, “Multi-Channel Ultra-Thin Silicon-on-Sapphire (SOS) Optoelectronic Interconnects”, SPIE Photonics West 2002.
- A. G. Andreou, A. Apsel, P. Pouliquen, E. Culurciello, P. Abshire, F. Tejada, “Silicon on Sapphire CMOS Optoelectronic Microsystems”, OIDA 2001, Washington DC.
- A. Apsel, A. Andreou, “Quality of Data Reconstruction Using Stochastic Encoding and an Integrating Receiver”, Proceedings of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Lansing, MI, 2000. (Best Paper Award)*
- A. Apsel, Z. Kalayjian, A. Andreou, G. Simonis, W. Chang, M. Data, B. Koley, “Orientation Enhancement Using Opto-Electronic VLSI and Asynchronous Pulse Coding”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Geneva, Switzerland, 2000.*
- G. Simonis, Z. Kalayjian, A. Apsel, P. Pouliquen, A. Andreou, R. Athale, R. Reedy, “Silicon-on-Sapphire CMOS for Improved VCSEL/CMOS Optoelectronic Interconnects”, LEOS 2000, Puerto Rico.
- R. A. Athale, Z. Kalayjian, A. Apsel, P. Pouliquen, G. Simonis, A. Andreou, R. Reedy, and W. Chang, “Hybrid OE-Interconnect VCSEL-CMOS Modules Based on Ultra-thin Silicon on Sapphire”, OSA Annual Meeting 2000.*
- A. Apsel, T. Stanford, P. Hasler, “An Adaptive Front End for Olfaction”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Monterey, California, 1998.*
- R. Etienne-Cummings, J. Van der Spiegel, N. Takahashi, A. Apsel and P. Mueller “VLSI Implementation of Cortical Visual Motion Detection Using an Analog Neural Computer”, Proceedings of the Neural Information Processing Symposium, 1996.*
- J. Van der Spiegel, R. Etienne-Cummings, C. Donham, A. Apsel, P. Mueller and D. Blackman, “A General Purpose Analog Neural Computer for Real-Time Spatiotemporal Pattern Analysis: Visual Motion Estimation”, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks Handbook-Architectures and Systems, C. H. Chen (Ed.), Chapter 31, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 1995.*
* Peer reviewed conference paper